The Legend of onemorebrown

I have often joked that my professional goals are twofold: Tenure and a Backyard for my family. Now that I have met those goals I have started to think about possibly writing something like an autobiography or memoir. To that end I have started to write a semi-regular series of memoir posts. I think of these as notes which I might possibly develop into a book at some point.  Given what we know about the way memory works one should be aware that a lot of this is reconstruction and therefore biased and subject to errors. What results is a somewhat traditional story, the story I have told myself and others; Hence a legend. I have done a fair amount of research trying to get details straight but if you know something about something I am posting about feel free to share it in the comments!

I have previously written some general outlines and vague comments about my past in the following places.

These previous attempts give the general gist of things and may fill in certain details but they all focus on the time in question from a particular point of view -my influences towards becoming a philosopher, or the influences on the ideas in my dissertation- they do not just aim to provide a general accounting of the time period, and that is what I am aiming to do in these posts. In addition I have done a lot more research since that time and I have come to believe that some of the dates were off a bit.


The Legend of onemorebrown

  1. I Transfer to SF State: January-March 1997
    • This was the first of these reflections, prompted by the realization that I had hit the 20 year anniversary of transferring to San Francisco State University [written in 2017]
  2. The Beginning: 1971-1977
  3. One Wild and Crazy (and Endless) Summer: The Summer of 1997
  4. Circa 1987
  5. 2007-2017: Ten Years at LaGuardia
  6. I am not a Number, (Nor am) I a Free Man: 1987-1990
  7. So long, and Thanks for All The Freedom: 1990-1994
  8. A Long Strange Trip and A Short Time to Get There: 1994-1995
  9. The Mortuary: 1995-1997
  10. A Man of Letters: 1997-2000
  11. Afterword and Afterwards